"Libraries were full of ideas- perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons." -Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass
Friday, 29 January 2016
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Good evening netizens and students of SMK Seri Hartamas!
Today our school held 3 important programmes! The first being, UNIQUE ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMME presented by two presenters who go by the name of Zac and Nicholas (not confirmed) which started around 7.30 a.m at the Dewan Seri Berlian. The UNIQUE ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMME's main objective was to introduce the students of SMK Seri Hartamas to acting, music, photography, production designing, public speaking, and many more.
Over 3 clubs were present during the presentation: English club, Photography club, and Music club.
Throughout the presentation, students were able to do a Q&A session with the presenters to further understand the benefits of this programme.
Next, we have the BAHASA MALAYSIA PT3 LECTURE, presented by Cikgu Vicky, an experienced Bahasa Malaysia teacher who has been teaching several MRSM schools in Selangor. The programme was held at the Dewan Kuliah.
In the meantime, students who did not participate in the two programmes above did NILAM and Yaasin.
Lastly, at 11.10 a.m, was the BAHASA MALAYSIA SPM LECTURE, again presented by Cikgu Vicky. Form 5 students from various classes listened in awe as Cikgu Vicky talked about the secret formula of scoring Bahasa Malaysia SPM papers and his experience of marking SPM papers for the past 16 years. The programme was held at the Dewan Seri Berlian.
Selamat petang kepada para pengunjung Blogspot dan murid-murid SMK Seri Hartamas!
Pada hari ini, sekolah kita telah mengajurkan 3 program yang unik! Program yang pertama ialah UNIQUE ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMME, yang disampaikan oleh Encik Zac dan Encik Nicholas (nama tidak dapat dipastikan) yang bermula pada jam 7.30 pagi di Dewan Seri Berlian. Program ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan para murid SMK Seri Hartamas kepada aktiviti berlakon, fotografi, pengucapan awam, tarian, produksi reka bentuk, dan lain-lain.
Sebanyak 3 kelab telah hadir untuk program ini, termasuklah Kelab Fotografi, Kelab Musik dan Kelab Bahasa Inggeris.
Sepanjang penyampaian program, murid-murid dapat melakukan sesi Q&A dengan para penganjur program ini untuk memahami manfaat menyertai program tersebut.
Seterusnya ialah Program Bahasa Malaysia PT3, yang disampaikan oleh Cikgu Vicky. Beliau merupakan seorang guru Bahasa Malaysia yang berpengalaman dan mengajar di sekolah-sekolah MRSM. Program ini telah dijalankan di Dewan Kuliah.
Sementara kedua-dua program ini berlangsung, murid-murid yang tidak terlibat telah melakukan aktiviti pembacaan Yaasin di Tapak Perhimpunan dan NILAM di Dewan Terbuka.
Akhir sekali, pada jam 11.10 pagi, terdapat Program Bahasa Malaysia SPM, yang disampaikan oleh Cikgu Vicky. Murid-murid tingkatan lima daripada pelbagai kelas terpesona dengan cara penyampaian Cikgu Vicky. Sepanjang program tersebut, Cikgu Vicky telah memberitahu formula-formula rahsia untuk mendapatkan skor cemerlang untuk kertas Bahasa Malaysia SPM dan cerita-cerita menariknya semasa beliau bertugas sebagai pemeriksa SPM sepanjang 16 tahun. Program ini telah dijalankan di Dewan Seri Berlian.
Good evening netizens and students of SMK Seri Hartamas!
Today our school held 3 important programmes! The first being, UNIQUE ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMME presented by two presenters who go by the name of Zac and Nicholas (not confirmed) which started around 7.30 a.m at the Dewan Seri Berlian. The UNIQUE ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMME's main objective was to introduce the students of SMK Seri Hartamas to acting, music, photography, production designing, public speaking, and many more.
Over 3 clubs were present during the presentation: English club, Photography club, and Music club.
Throughout the presentation, students were able to do a Q&A session with the presenters to further understand the benefits of this programme.
Next, we have the BAHASA MALAYSIA PT3 LECTURE, presented by Cikgu Vicky, an experienced Bahasa Malaysia teacher who has been teaching several MRSM schools in Selangor. The programme was held at the Dewan Kuliah.
In the meantime, students who did not participate in the two programmes above did NILAM and Yaasin.
Lastly, at 11.10 a.m, was the BAHASA MALAYSIA SPM LECTURE, again presented by Cikgu Vicky. Form 5 students from various classes listened in awe as Cikgu Vicky talked about the secret formula of scoring Bahasa Malaysia SPM papers and his experience of marking SPM papers for the past 16 years. The programme was held at the Dewan Seri Berlian.
Selamat petang kepada para pengunjung Blogspot dan murid-murid SMK Seri Hartamas!
Pada hari ini, sekolah kita telah mengajurkan 3 program yang unik! Program yang pertama ialah UNIQUE ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMME, yang disampaikan oleh Encik Zac dan Encik Nicholas (nama tidak dapat dipastikan) yang bermula pada jam 7.30 pagi di Dewan Seri Berlian. Program ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan para murid SMK Seri Hartamas kepada aktiviti berlakon, fotografi, pengucapan awam, tarian, produksi reka bentuk, dan lain-lain.
Sebanyak 3 kelab telah hadir untuk program ini, termasuklah Kelab Fotografi, Kelab Musik dan Kelab Bahasa Inggeris.
Sepanjang penyampaian program, murid-murid dapat melakukan sesi Q&A dengan para penganjur program ini untuk memahami manfaat menyertai program tersebut.
Seterusnya ialah Program Bahasa Malaysia PT3, yang disampaikan oleh Cikgu Vicky. Beliau merupakan seorang guru Bahasa Malaysia yang berpengalaman dan mengajar di sekolah-sekolah MRSM. Program ini telah dijalankan di Dewan Kuliah.
Sementara kedua-dua program ini berlangsung, murid-murid yang tidak terlibat telah melakukan aktiviti pembacaan Yaasin di Tapak Perhimpunan dan NILAM di Dewan Terbuka.
Akhir sekali, pada jam 11.10 pagi, terdapat Program Bahasa Malaysia SPM, yang disampaikan oleh Cikgu Vicky. Murid-murid tingkatan lima daripada pelbagai kelas terpesona dengan cara penyampaian Cikgu Vicky. Sepanjang program tersebut, Cikgu Vicky telah memberitahu formula-formula rahsia untuk mendapatkan skor cemerlang untuk kertas Bahasa Malaysia SPM dan cerita-cerita menariknya semasa beliau bertugas sebagai pemeriksa SPM sepanjang 16 tahun. Program ini telah dijalankan di Dewan Seri Berlian.
Gambar di atas menunjukkan Encik Zac atau Encik Nicholas yang sedang menyampaikan UNIQUE ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMME.
Murid-murid sedang mendengar penyampaian Encik Zac dan Encik Nichoas
Encik Zac dan Encik Nicholas sedang memberitahu murid-murid tentang manfaat program tersebut
Murid-murid yang beragama Islam sedang membaca Yaasin di Tapak Perhimpunan. Di pentas, anda boleh melihat Ustad Ismail dan Cikgu Tamimi sedang mengetuai pembacaan Yaasin.
Encik Zac dan Encik Nicholas sedang menjawab soalan-soalan murid-murid.
Murid-murid bukan Islam sedang melakukan aktiviti NILAM di Dewan Terbuka.
Murid-murid Islam sedang mendengar ceramah agama yang sedang disampaikan oleh Cikgu Tamimi dan Ustad Ismail.
Murid-murid Kelab Musik, Kelab Fotografi dan Kelab Bahasa Inggeris sedang mendengar penyampaian Encik Zac dan Encik Nicholas.
Cikgu Vicky sedang berkongsi "formula" rahsianya untuk skor kertas Bahasa Malaysia PT3 dengan cemerlang kepada murid-murid SMK Seri Hartamas.
Murid-murid tingkatan 3 menulis nasihat penting Cikgu Vicky.
Cikgu Vicky berkongsi pengalamannya sebagai pemeriksa kertas PT3 dengan murid-murid SMK Seri Hartamas.
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Hello everyone :)
Our school held an event Pelancaran Program Jom Sekolah. Sifar ponteng, Buli dan Vandalisme on the 26th of January 2016. This event was officiated by DSP Foo Chek Seng from Jabatan Pencegahan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis, Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. All the students were excited and enjoyed the speech given by DSP Foo. We want to thank all the counselor and DSP Foo Chek Seng for making this event a meaningful event.
Our school held an event Pelancaran Program Jom Sekolah. Sifar ponteng, Buli dan Vandalisme on the 26th of January 2016. This event was officiated by DSP Foo Chek Seng from Jabatan Pencegahan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis, Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. All the students were excited and enjoyed the speech given by DSP Foo. We want to thank all the counselor and DSP Foo Chek Seng for making this event a meaningful event.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Quote of the Day
Good evening everybody ! We missed last week's quote of the day, but no matter as we are here to tell you the quote of the day for this week ! The quote is:
" A public library is the most enduring of memorials, the trustiest monument for the preservation of an event or a name or an affection; for it, and it only, is respected by wars and revolutions, and survives them. "
- Mark Twain
" A public library is the most enduring of memorials, the trustiest monument for the preservation of an event or a name or an affection; for it, and it only, is respected by wars and revolutions, and survives them. "
- Mark Twain
Monday, 18 January 2016
Hi guys! Monday is almost over but these cakes are finally here! After much requests, the Heavenly Chocolate Cake and Say Cheese Cake have arrived at the price of RM5! Stop by the PSS and grab some and maybe throw in an Ice Cream Malaysia in that package too at only RM1! Thanks guys and have a good evening~
Friday, 15 January 2016
Hello everybody~
Yesterday, which was the 14th of January, we had our first Nadi Ilmu Amalan Membaca ( NILAM ) programme of 2016. The NILAM programme is conducted every Thursday ( the first period ) where students are required to bring reading materials ( as stated below ) to read and record their readings into the NILAM book. Surprisingly, everyone brought their reading materials. Every student was
well- behaved and very cooperative with us :) Students are only allowed to read: story books, articles which contain more than 100 words and educational magazines. The books which are not allowed for the NILAM programme are: comic books, teen magazines, text books ( including the literature texts that are in Bahasa Malaysia and English ) and articles which contain less than 100 words. Though students were very cooperative, there were also a few that did not bring the correct reading materials. But since it's our first week of the NILAM programme, we didn't fine anyone and let them read any books or articles they have with them :) As for the coming weeks ahead, we will start fining students if they don't bring the appropriate reading materials. We hope students will bring the correct reading materials from now on during the NILAM programme :)
Yesterday, which was the 14th of January, we had our first Nadi Ilmu Amalan Membaca ( NILAM ) programme of 2016. The NILAM programme is conducted every Thursday ( the first period ) where students are required to bring reading materials ( as stated below ) to read and record their readings into the NILAM book. Surprisingly, everyone brought their reading materials. Every student was
well- behaved and very cooperative with us :) Students are only allowed to read: story books, articles which contain more than 100 words and educational magazines. The books which are not allowed for the NILAM programme are: comic books, teen magazines, text books ( including the literature texts that are in Bahasa Malaysia and English ) and articles which contain less than 100 words. Though students were very cooperative, there were also a few that did not bring the correct reading materials. But since it's our first week of the NILAM programme, we didn't fine anyone and let them read any books or articles they have with them :) As for the coming weeks ahead, we will start fining students if they don't bring the appropriate reading materials. We hope students will bring the correct reading materials from now on during the NILAM programme :)
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Hello everyone!
Yesterday our school held an event called PSS orientation for the form 1 to know about the PSS more. This event was held on the 13th of January 2016. what was going on there? well, our dearest PSS teacher, Puan Adlina gave a speech about our PSS, PSS rules, about NILAM and of course she introduce us to the form 1. One of our best media man also did a speech about how the media works and the meaning of media. The event went smoothly and everyone had a great time! :) thank you to all of the form 1 for your attention! and thank you to all the media team for setting up this event :)
Friday, 8 January 2016
Books Of The Week
Good evening everyone!! Wow it's already Friday! How was your fifrst week of school? Not good? It's fine, things will only get better from here once you get the hang of it...... Anyway , I'm here to introduce to you the new books out on display, they are:
English books:
1.Timoleon Vieta Come Home
2.Mal Peet Keepet
3.Planet Of Bones
4.Out Of This World,Planet Of Fire
5.Panda Panic
6.The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
7.The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
8.Atticus Claw Break The Law
9.Undercover In The Underworld
10.The One And Only
11.Love And Peaches
12.The Minivers And The Secret Room
13.Charmseekers The Queens Bracelet
14.A Tale Of Two Sisters
15.Bumpy Rides,Turning Tides And My French Romeo
16.Legends Antony Horowitz Beats And Mosters
17.Fame School: Reach For The Stars
18.Fame School: Solo Star
19.Fame School: Star Maker
20.Fame School: Battle Of The Bands
21.Fame School: Tarah Triumph
22.Fame School: Rising Star
Malay books:
1.Cerita Adam Zahra
2.Janji Sahabat
3. 5 Penyiasat Muda
4.Awang Selamat Menabur Bakti
5.Kolam Rahsia
6.Dunia Sains Aiman
7.Misteri Tasik Buana
8.Miss Lonely Chubby
9.Pengawas Sekolah
10.Kawan Atau Lawan
12.Anak Patung Terbang
13.Hafiz ke Sabah
15.Bermula Dengan Alif
16.Putera Zalman Dan Rama-rama Biru
17.Janji Tak Degil Lagi
18.Kes Raja Hipno
19.Kau Aku
20.Sumpahan Tak Malas
21.Adi Dalam Fantasi Penyelamat Alam
22.Sesat Dalam Cahaya
23.Geng Karipap
24.Miss James Bond
25.Adir Yang Terplih.
English books:
1.Timoleon Vieta Come Home
2.Mal Peet Keepet
3.Planet Of Bones
4.Out Of This World,Planet Of Fire
5.Panda Panic
6.The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
7.The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
8.Atticus Claw Break The Law
9.Undercover In The Underworld
10.The One And Only
11.Love And Peaches
12.The Minivers And The Secret Room
13.Charmseekers The Queens Bracelet
14.A Tale Of Two Sisters
15.Bumpy Rides,Turning Tides And My French Romeo
16.Legends Antony Horowitz Beats And Mosters
17.Fame School: Reach For The Stars
18.Fame School: Solo Star
19.Fame School: Star Maker
20.Fame School: Battle Of The Bands
21.Fame School: Tarah Triumph
22.Fame School: Rising Star
Malay books:
1.Cerita Adam Zahra
2.Janji Sahabat
3. 5 Penyiasat Muda
4.Awang Selamat Menabur Bakti
5.Kolam Rahsia
6.Dunia Sains Aiman
7.Misteri Tasik Buana
8.Miss Lonely Chubby
9.Pengawas Sekolah
10.Kawan Atau Lawan
12.Anak Patung Terbang
13.Hafiz ke Sabah
15.Bermula Dengan Alif
16.Putera Zalman Dan Rama-rama Biru
17.Janji Tak Degil Lagi
18.Kes Raja Hipno
19.Kau Aku
20.Sumpahan Tak Malas
21.Adi Dalam Fantasi Penyelamat Alam
22.Sesat Dalam Cahaya
23.Geng Karipap
24.Miss James Bond
25.Adir Yang Terplih.
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Hey guys! This morning our school held a Co-curricular Campaign to promote each uniform bodies and sports club to our new form 1 students. This event will continue tomorrow morning with the remaining academic and sports clubs putting their best efforts to promote their clubs to the new comers. As for today, the event went smoothly and was very interesting as they shared demonstrations and fascinating information regarding their club's activities. Here are some of the pictures from the event we would like to share with you. Enjoy !


Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah
Kadet Remaja Sekolah
Kadet Polis
Pandu Puteri
Hello everyone ! We, the PSS of SMK Seri Hartamas, would like you to know that we have updated our rules when visiting the library, 'bilik media' and 'pusat akses'... So, here you go :
Peraturan Pusat Sumber Sekolah
- Bekalan makanan, botol air dan beg dilarang dibawa masuk ke perpustakaan dan pelajar harus letak barang tesebut di rak luar yang telah disediakan.
- Pelajar dilarang makan, minum, tidur dan bermain di perpustakaan.
- Permainan seperti catur, yo-yo, kad dan congkak tidak dibenarkan di perpustakaan.
- Pelajar tidak dibenarkan masuk ke perpustakaan semasa sesi pembelajaran tanpa diiringi guru.
- Pelajar hendaklah senyap apabila berada di dalam perpustakaan.
- Sila duduk di kerusi-kerusi yang disediakan dan tidak dibenarkan berhimpun di rak-rak, pintu dan kaunter.
- Pelajar perlu masukkan kembali kerusi ke bawah meja dengan kemas selepas digunakan.
- Sila letakkan buku yang telah dibaca di troli yang disediakan.
- Pelajar dilarang bergaduh di perpustakaan.
- Pelajar mesti beratur di kaunter semasa meminjam atau memulangkan buku hak perpustakaan sekolah.
- Ketua kelas perlu memastikan semua murid berada di perpustakaan semasa relief.
- Pelajar tidak boleh bersikap biadap dan bercakap perkataan lucah terhadap guru-guru serta pengawas Pusat Sumber.
Peraturan Penggunaan Bilik Media Sekolah
- Pelajar diminta senyap apabila memasuki bilik media.
- Pelajar tidak dibenarkan makan, minum atau tidur di dalam bilik media.
- Pelajar tidak dibenarkan membuka tutup suis-suis televisyen, video, radio atau peralatan lain serta mengubah kedudukan peralatan ini tanpa kebenaran.
- Pelajar dikehendaki menyusun semula kerusi meja sebelum meninggalkan bilik media.
- Pelajar tidak dibenarkan masuk ke bilik media semasa sesi pembelajaran tanpa diiringi guru.
Peraturan Pusat Akses Sekolah
- Pelajar dibenarkan menggunakan Pusat Akses dengan kebenaran guru mata pelajaran atau Guru Pusat Sumber yang bertugas semasa waktu P&P. Pelajar boleh memasuki Pusat Akses Sekolah pada waktu rehat dan sebelah petang.
- Dilarang membawa masuk beg, makanan dan minuman.
- Jaga kebersihan bilik Pusat Akses. Dilarang meninggalkan sebarang sampah atau kertas ketika berada dalam Pusat Akses.
- Semua warga sekolah dilarang membuat bising semasa berada di Pusat Akses.
- Satu komputer hanya untuk seorang pelajar. Perkongsian komputer tidak dibenarkan untuk mengelakkan kesesakan dan kebisingan.
- Laporkan kerosakan komputer kepada Guru atau Pengawas Pusat Sumber yang bertugas. Pengguna tidak dibenarkan cuba membaiki komputer sendiri.
- Kemudahan Internet hanya untuk tujuan pembelajaran sahaja.
- Dilarang menyalahgunakan kemudahan Bilik Pusat Akses dengan melakukan perkara-perkara yang dilarang seperti menyebarkan virus, melihat pornografi, atau melakukan jenayah siber.
- Tidak dibenarkan memasang (install) program atau mengubah ketetapan (settings) komputer.
- Pengguna hanya dibenarkan mengunakan medium storan seperti CD yang boleh dibeli di perpustakaan sahaja. Medium lain tidak dibenarkan. (Cth : Pendrive, Disket, Removable Drive/Disk).
- Pengguna boleh menggunakan pencetak secara percuma tetapi ianya terhad untuk 10 mukasurat sahaja dalam sehari.
- Sila padamkan komputer dan bekalan kuasa elektrik dengan betul selepas digunakan.
- Rekodkan penggunaan komputer di dalam buku log sebelum menggunakan komputer. Pengguna dihadkan menggunakan komputer selama 30 minit sahaja sekiranya terdapat pengguna yang menunggu giliran.
Diharap pelajar-pelajar dapat mematuhi peraturan perpustakaan !
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Good evening everybody ! How's your day going ? Is it going well ? Anyway, I am here today to present to you the quote of the day ! And that is :
"At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold, that magic threshold into a library, we change their lives forever, for the better. It's an enormous force for good."
- Barack Obama
Monday, 4 January 2016
Good evening students of SMK Seri Hartamas!!! How was your first day of school? Was it fun? Was it confusing? Or was it like any other school day? By the way, I would like to welcome the freshmen aka form 1 to our school and don't hesitate to stop by the PSS to read a book, buy something, get something done or whatever the reason. Our librarians are friendly and easy to approach so we are always ready to help you. Have a great 2016 guys and make sure to respect your teacher, seniors and your friends!! And lastly, DON'T FORGET TO HAVE FUN :)
Saturday, 2 January 2016
Hey guys! :)
First day of school is around the corner, are you ready? (I bet you're not). If you're new to the highschool life, welcome! Don't worry too much. Everything will work out fine.
Here's some tips on how to survive the first few week of highschool,
1. Keep an open mind
2. Be friendly
3. Don't be too afraid too stand out
4. Don't care about what other people think of you
5. Don't make rash decisions (consult your seniors/family members/teachers if neccesary)
6. Don't get too carried away with socializing
7. Be careful when choosing friends
8.RESPECT THE SENIORS( they will be nice to you if you're nice to them)
9. Avoid flirting in your first year of school.(trust me you don't want to. ESPECIALLY with form 5's)
10. Watch your actions, one stupid mistake and you're doomed (trust me.Been there done that)
11. Stick to your good friends who are there for you
12. Respect all the teachers
13. Don't SIMPLY ask anyone for help
14. You have to be strong
15. Have courage
16. Don't judge a book by it's cover
17. Be yourself :)
18. Stay positive and smile a lot( well not every time)
19.In the end just have fun! :)
20. Last but not least, dont forget to greet your teachers always
20. Last but not least, dont forget to greet your teachers always
*We've been through all of these situations before. I hope these tips will help you guys a lot!
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