Friday, 28 February 2020

Envision Your Revision

by Aleena Izwan 

What's the first thing that comes to mind when the word 'revision' pops in your head. Bet most of you are thinking to study or to revise. Sounds tiring, doesn't it? Reading through all the chapters you've just learnt months ago again. Well, that's the point. There is not short cut or cheat code when it comes to learning. You'll have to do it step by step and over and over again until you understand. Exam week is right around the corner students and its about time we take out our activity books and do our practice tests while I list down different ways you can do your revision. 

1. Writing Notes

I know most of the girls do this but writing fancy, stylish, little notes is quite an effective way of study. Creating colorful notes exercises the left brains thinking and the right brains creativity. Keep them simple so you'll keep track of the key points of the subject. It is also easier to remember things if it is simplified.

2. Study Group

Why study alone when you can study together with your friends? A study group is the perfect way to share tips and tricks with your friends and give them support and guidance on different topics. Plus your mood tends to be happier when you study with your friends because you can all go through the trouble of revising together.

3. Listening To Music

Listen to the sounds in your ears, let your pen flow through the rhythm. Listening to music really helps you calm down and relax when you revise. You can plug in your headphones and do your work as you listen to the tunes since the music cancels outside noise allowing you to focus while giving you a relaxing environment.

I hope you will get a some motivation from reading these tips. But remember, everyone has a different way of doing revision. If one way dose not work, you can always try find other ways. That's it! Good luck everyone during your exams!

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Keeping Up With Your New Year's Resolution. #googbye2019welcome2020

 Keeping Up With Your New Year's Resolution.
by Aleena Izwan

Hello Hartamasian's ! How's your New Year coming along? Keeping up with your resolutions yet? Now, some of you many answer yes but I can guarantee that most of you are shaking your heads and saying no. Well don't you fret. Here are three tips I've listed out to get you back on track with your new year resolutions. 

1. Do it just do it!

You might have heard this quote before from Nike. It’s their famous tagline for their brand. The powerful thing about the word 'Do It' is that you'll get it done. Something common in most people is saying things they will end up not doing. This habit is also one of the main reasons most people drop out on their resolutions. Instead you should start doing something immediately. For example, you would like to start reading a book a day. As soon as that thought crosses your mind, don't wait. Pick up your book and start reading, Take your sports shoes and go for a walk. Don't wait for anything.

2. Stay Positive!

Keep an open mind. Try to make 2020 your most positive year. It's the new decade after all. Staying positive has always been proven beneficial in many situations. A positive mindset helps you look at things from a different perspective, keep a strong will and help you go through dark times. I will link down an article on the topic 10 simple steps for a more positive new year here Do check it out and remember to always cancel out that negative with a positive.

3. Don't give up!

Most importantly, Don't give up. Its is not easy to complete a new year resolutions. It takes time. Patience is key. It may seem challenging at first but always remember to keep your chin up and keep going. A quote from the Quran once said "Close your eyes, remind yourself that He is watching. You efforts, your deeds, your patience will never go waste. Remind yourself of how good it would feel to have it all one day come back to you to elevate you in your status. Don't let go, Don't give up."

In conclusion, a good thinking and mindset are one's needs to ace the new year. I do hope these tips helps you and gives you motivation to continue or follow up you new year resolutions.